Article 62: Performance studies on pregnant or breastfeeding women
A performance study on pregnant or breastfeeding women may be conducted only where, in addition to the conditions set out in Article 58(5), all of the following conditions are met:
(a) the performance study has the potential to produce a direct benefit for the pregnant or breastfeeding woman concerned, or her embryo, foetus or child after birth, outweighing the risks and burdens involved;
(b) if such a performance study has no direct benefit for the pregnant or breastfeeding woman concerned, or her embryo, foetus or child after birth, it can be conducted only if:
(i) a performance study of comparable effectiveness cannot be carried out on women who are not pregnant or breastfeeding;
the performance study contributes to the attainment of results capable of benefitting pregnant or breastfeeding women or other women in relation to reproduction or other embryos, foetuses or children; and
the performance study poses a minimal risk to, and imposes a minimal burden on, the pregnant or breastfeeding woman concerned, her embryo, foetus or child after birth;
(c) where research is undertaken on breastfeeding women, particular care is taken to avoid any adverse impact on the health of the child;
(d) no incentives or financial inducements are given to subjects, except for compensation for expenses and loss of earnings directly related to the participation in the performance study.